Mom and Dad Celebrate 60th Wedding Anniversary
Mary and Ray hosted us on Saturday, June 18, 2005 and Mike and Deb hosted us on Sunday.  The weather, the food, the company and the memories were all perfect.  I forgot a memory card for my camera so Forrest and Andrew took pictures.
Link to Gobel Page
The group at Mike and Debs on Sunday.   Below left:  The Clardy kids.  Below right:  The Gobels.
Above left:  The champagne toast at Clardys on Saturday.  Above right:  The musical entertainment on Sunday.  Below ledt:  The Clardys.  Below right:  Mom and Teresa.
Above:  Mike and Deb.  Clockwise from near right:  Mary Gail, Forrest, Jake, fruit salad, Raymond with Deb's new German Shorthair and Catherine with Andrew.