Colin on the Trail -- 2004
We hope to follow the exploits of Colin Hollister and his friend, Peter Keays, as they make their way up the Appalachian Trail.  Colin has excited our imaginations -- how many of us will join him for a mile or ten?  Stay tuned!
Appalachian Trail Itinerary -- Updated as of September 2, 2004
Above:  John Cavanagh delivered Peter Keays and Colin, both of whom just finished their sophomore year at Bates College, to the trail head for Springer Mountain, Georgia on Thursday, May 13, 2004.  After two days on the trail, they were ahead of schedule. 

Left:  Unable to resist the excitement, your host enlisted Keye to deliver him to the trail ("AT") in Cheshire, MA for a short (by Colin's standards) 8.3 mile jaunt to Dalton.  In spite of blisters on both heels after one mile, I made it.  Need more training before Colin arrives here in July.  Corey Hollister is already planning a trip on the trail this month.  Paul Lightfoot has signed on for part of the trip in NY.  Who else will make it?  Please email me any news.
Left:  The day after Cheshire to Dalton, I did Dalton to Hinsdale.  A change of boots meant no blisters.  But, still, I've done 12.3 miles in two days.  Colin will average 20 miles a day.
Eating is a competitive event on The Trail.  Pete on the left and Colin on the right with dueling forks.  Colin, ever the photo artist (keeping a long-standing family tradition alive), sent his black and white film home to Barry and Susan for printing.  I received the prints June 11, 2004.  This is a selection.
Above:  Pete and Colin.  Right and above right: our heroes near the Tennessee border.  Selection of photos below:  Life on The Trail.
Hollister Home Page
Scroll down for Colin's pictures from The Trail
Scroll down for John & Kathryn on the The Trail
Below left:  John and Kathryn on top of Mount Prospect looking down over Williamstown, just below Mount Greylock on a glorious Sunday morning, June 20, 2004.  Right:  Us at the top of Mount Greylock.  It was a 13+ mile day and I suffered mightily.  I can now appreciate Colin's and Pete's 20+ mile days.
Link to Colin's Week on the Trail in the Berkshires
Link to John Gobel's Day on the AT with Colin
Link to Friends on the Trail