Christmas Spirit -- 2002
For December 6, 2002 we decorated the office as part of a "Wendell Avenue Victorian Christmas" celebration organized by the neighborhood -- a tour of old Victorian buildings.  This meant we had to clean our offices.  Then we were graced with some light snow.  This afforded a rare opportunity to record the event.  On December 13, Keye decided we would leave work at 3:00 and decorate the tree.
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Above left:  The office at 106 Wendell Avenue, decorated for the first time since we've owned it with exterior holiday lighting.  Helene and Sharon organized the decorations and guided guests through the office while Keye and I were at the Berkshire Bar Association Holiday Dinner-Dance.  Their husbands, Danny and Jim, bought and put up the exterior wreath and lighting.  Above right:  John & Keye's tree at 121 Wendell Avenue.  Below left:  John's office.  Below right:  Keye's office. 
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