Gobels at Saquish -- 2002
Getting together meant even more this year.  Ruth passed away July 20, 2002 and we all gethered at Saquish on July 21 for five days together before the caravan headed down I-95 to Philadelphia on Friday to visit with David and Catherine and to celebrate Ruth.
Above:  The group (after Kathryn Hollister left:  Front: Max, Joe, Glen, Ginny, Jake, Sarah, Tim (with Forrest) and Mary Gail.  Rear: John, Andrew, Mike, Deb, Ben, Mary, Ray, Key with Sarah and Abe DeShane.  Left:  Deb invented new shower technique.  Right:  Kathryn with Ginny and Deb modeling their patriotic skirts.  Below left:  Andrew and Tim enjoy kayaks hauled from PA by Mike.  Below right:  With 20 people we had lots of everything including these six umbrellas and two 4WD's.  There were five tents under the cottage.

Above left:  Ray made a Mancala Board with Forrest's help.  Above center: Mary was a blur of activity.  There was never a dull moment.  Above right:  We ate like kings; this was Keye's chicken grilled by Mile.  Left:  The kids' play got more sophistocated all week culminating in this medieval castle on Thursday.  Below:  Cleaning mussels on Tuesday.  We had enough for 60 people.  We also had a bon fire Tuesday night with fabulous firerworks produced by Mike.  Wednesday we all drove to Plymouth for lunch and a tour of Mayflower II.  Keye took the kids to the creek on Monday.  The weather was perfect:  a strong T-storm Tuesday night and, otherwise, clear.
Link to Gobel Home Page
Link to Ruth's Mass in Philadelphia